My homie, partner, FRIEND (the guy in the Wilson *flashback: "I'm ya hottest, ya hottest type..numero uno"..Sorry yall..But Jamar & I go way back to 9th grade Band Camp.... (G.H.S PRIDE..Garinger! whoop). Jamar Wilson is an ASPIRING PHOTOGRAPHER/DESIGNER/ARTIST/WRITER..all that Creative & Artsy stuff!!! HIS WORK IS HIGHLY IMPRESSIVE might I add! Not because he is my friend or whatever..but his work and creativity speaks VOLUMES! Looking at his pictures at & our skype sessions. He has BIG DREAMS & I am a PROUD SUPPORTER! Once AGAIN, I knew JAMAR had Talent..I'm not surprised...JUST PROUD of him *teardrop*! I just LOVE ALL his pictures & the location where he takes them, he makes it look AMAZING... From downtown Charlotte, abandon houses in N. Charlotte (rissskkyy...before the sun goes down OF COURSE..yikes), middle of the woods, EVERYWHERE. It's all about location, location, location & Jamar masters this concept and much more in EVERY SINGLE SHOT!
SN: Jamar you make Charlotte LOOK GOOD through them lens BOY!!! Luvs it! Check out Jamar photos and if you are interested in booking. Contact him at (NOT free Niggaz)! ALSO...Follow my homie on twitter @ramajculture!
Look at this picture of Lamar downtown Charlotte..iii ♥ love it

And these pictures as well...this shoot reminds me of the models in my Urban Outfitters magazine!
#werrkk...Luvs it
Also, the Oriental Chris dude... !

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