PLEASE...tell me yall watched the Real McCoy last night??? Overall, I like it *side eye*! Well let me RE-PHRASE I like SOME of it. But others on twitter really wasn't IMPRESSED (they so HARSH). Diamond Lisa Raye seems umm what's the word HOOD... chi-town finest!! My favorite line was when the lady asked what do you say to those who call you a gold-digger? Lisa said "I don’t dig for gold, that was in high school. I’m digging for platinum". shheesshh. BUT there were a few things that was brought to my concern:
1. What really got under my skin was all that K-I-S-S-I-N-G and Smooching she was doing on her daughter Kai. That's just not right, and it bothered ME. Too each it's own...i guess. *blank stare*
2. WHO? Made Lisa Raye the QUEEN of "heavenly" white. She says that's her SIGNATURE. *kanye shrug*
3. She threw a "back to business party" what business did she have before? (you all don't have to answer at once)
4. I'm glad she not my momma because ONCE AGAIN all that KISSING just NOT RIGHT.
5. She was cussing in front of the REV. Al Sharpton. haha!! oh yeah is that her boo??
Other than that make sure yall tune in next Thursday 9:00pm Tv One NOT VH1 (i know..weird right). Jamie suppose to be on the next episode. SN: I like the fact that Kai has a REGULAR job at Bath and Body Works. I know that's right. But can somebody please answer me this, HOW OLD IS KAI???
All that kissy kissy ish! Kai is 19...